
Commercial Solar Incentives


Vermont’s solar incentives make going solar easy. Vermont is on a mission to promote renewable energy, more than just about any other state in the country. With a target of producing 20 percent of its energy from renewables by 2017 and 75 percent by 2032. Vermont is pursuing a greener future more aggressively then every state save for Hawaii. To protect your business from rising energy prices, you can lock in a fixed monthly rate for the portion of your electricity generated by your solar panels over the 25+ year life of your system. The bottom line to your business is you can reduce your overall energy costs annually.
Net Metering in Vermont:
When you install solar on your business you want to make sure you get credit for all of the power your system generates. Luckily, Vermont has a net metering policy that credits you for the extra electricity your system produces, and allows you to use those credits when your system doesn’t generate enough power. Green Mountain Power (GMP) offers the top utility net metering program in Vermont. Additionally, Vermont has added feed-in-tariff provisions, under which small energy generators are financially reimbursed solar production credits.